Press Roundup

‘Critical Thinking’ is out now. Here’s a selection of the great reviews the album has received in the press: 

“With Critical Thinking, the Manics once again prove that reinvention and authenticity can go hand in hand. Decades in, they’re still defying expectations while staying undeniably themselves.” – 4/5 LOUDER THAN WAR

“A meticulous, strident and euphoric sounding record.” – 8/10 CLASH 

“Met with the void, the Manics battle on to fill it with beauty and rage.” – 4/5 NME 

“Critical Thinking is still very much a barnstorming Manics album.”THE QUIETUS 

“Bursting with life and radical anger.” – DAILY MIRROR

“Critical Thinking shows that with the Manics, rage never sleeps.” – 4.5/5 CLASSIC ROCK 

“All these years later, they’re needed more than ever.” – 4/5 RECORD COLLECTOR

“Uplifting rock anthems” – 4/5 THE TIMES

“Rarely have ruminations on decline sounded so vigorous.” – 4/5 MOJO 

“The Manics were never the full stop at the end of rock and roll. They weren’t even the question mark. They were the ellipsis. There’s more chapters to come.”SUPER DELUXE EDITION 

“A compelling mix of musicality, melody and virtuosity” – 4/5 THE TELEGRAPH

“One of their best” – 4.5/5 CLASSIC POP 

“Another reflective and thought-provoking set” – 4/5 THE OBSERVER