Rewind the film again | I’d love to see my
joy my friends | Rewind the film again | So
I can fall asleep content | Rewind the film
once more | Turn back the pages of my
books | Rewind the film once more | I want
the world to see it all
I want to feel small | Lying in my mothers
arms | Playing my old records | Hoping
that they’ll never stop | There is too much
heartbreak | In the nothing of the now |
I want to see it all | Never want to let it go
| Rewind the film once more | Turn back the
pages of my books | Rewind the film once
more | I want the world to see it all
Let me hide under the sheets and
celebrate the boredom | Let me hide under
the sheets with the radio on
Rewind the film again | I’d love to see my
joy my friends | Rewind the film again | So
I can fall asleep content | Rewind the film
once more | Turn back the pages of my
books | Rewind the film once more | I want
the world to see it all
I want to feel small | Holding on my
fathers hands | Playing broken records |
Praying that they’ll never stop | There is
too much heartbreak | In the nothing of
the now | I want to see it all | Never gonna
let you down
Rewind the film once more | Turn back the
pages of my books | Rewind the film once
more | I want the world to see it all
I want the world to see all the love and
security my childhood dreams | But now
I am a busted flush – and I am waiting for
the night to come | So rewind the film
again – I’d love to see my joy my friends |
Yes rewind the film again – so I can fall
asleep content